
A pound of ash.

Nobody knows this stuff. Least of all us.

But genetic work is a different animal. When we get the data from Wuhan, we’ll know. It’s traceable. We have genetic signatures that might as well be as accurate a a satellite roadmap of what exactly went down. And in that case, we’ll know.

Now, that cop that accidentally grabbed the gun instead of the Taser. His career is over, it probably should be, he killed someone. But what about someone that kills 3.5 million people out of a perfectly honest mistake? Should they lose their job?

What about when someone willingly falsifies documents that lead to deaths? Lose their job? Go to prison?

In this case, for the last year, the Planet Earth was operating under the assumption that COVID-19 was something that Mother Nature made. And in this era, with good medical treatment, Mother Nature isn’t really a wanton murderer. A few thousand people here, maybe a hundred thousand people from a Tsunami? But to kill en masse, like COVID-19 does, it takes things like bad sanitation that causes diarrhea or cholera. Human made shit, literally. Malaria from improper dainages, diabetes from too much sugar, air pollution … human made shit, figuratively.

The point here, the salient point is that we were an affected band of asswagons. We’re now in this position which terrifies us kind of people who change the station from our ironic listening of the Christian station to NPR, lest the parking lot attendant not realize that we were listening to the Christian station ironically. All of a sudden, we band of nitwits are going to have to start to examine the “truths” we think you know, piecemeal, like scientists … at least good scientists. And like judges, juries, voters, and engineers that have to do forensic research on a bridge that falls into a river, or forensic work on a lab release genetically-modified, synthetic protein cleavage site, human-chimera, tested on a mouse with humanized mother fucking genes, coronavirus.

Appointed Federal Officers and awarded grant recipients were being paid by our tax dollars. Federal officers signed off on this research, checks were paid. And all through that long line of Americans, nobody was able to poke their head above the insanty, and say, “hey, is this right?”

But you know who did poke his head up? President Obama. And now it seems, President Biden. As far as I can tell, the voice of ration and respect for the miracles of Mother Nature is fighting back against these monstrosities, that seek to gain a function over a hypothetical release from Mother Nature, and instead create something that Mother Nature couldn’t dream in her worse nightmare fueled by half a bottle of red wine, two bumps of coke off her lovely manicured fingernail with the brown nail polish, just like the Policeman’s muse in Bonfire of the Vanities. And also a white wine spritzer, four cigarettes that we shared in the ally behind Bill’s High Country Lounge. A shot of the same tequila that I had, and some kind of antidpressant that her doctor prescribed so she wouldn’t have to wake up in agony each morning because of the child she accidentally killed when she fucked up on that surgery that she had done 23 times previously without a hitch. She’s one of those surgeons that internalizes her failures because she never learned how to lie to herself. And those are the ingredients that fueled her nightmare of some crazy genetically-engineered coronavirus that was optimized with a synthetic protein cleavage that even now is killing people in India.

So what do we do? Do we toss these recipients and officers in jail? It wouldn’t help. We don’t put rich people in prison in the USA because they are not guilty of the crime of being poor. Do we put them in front of Congress? Yup. Do we bring them a coffee and a danish, and thank them for attending? Hell fucking no. We do that for poor people and Black people and poor Black people because we know full well that they are going to be sucked into our legal justice system for a few years. But the people who did this? They know that they might lose their job, but they know they’re not going to see any prison time. They know they’re not going to see the inside of a courtroom filled with poor people and psychopaths and addicts. So no, they don’t get a coffee and a danish, they have to buy that themselves in the lobby of Forrestal before they descend into the the Kafkan wonder of that building, and then answer some questions along the line of “what the actual fuck, man?” Injecting humanized genes into mice to test these engineered virions? Making Human-Chimera genes just in case Mother Nature decides to attack us?

Part of the reason we did that research in China was a trust-building move with the Chinese research community, but part of it was also because China has a deep bench in cell biology. But I can only imagine what the Chinese felt when they saw what we were doing with those genes. I mean, yeah, they’re not Native Americans who believe in the sanctity of the natural structure from the Great Spirit, and the human obligation to safeguard Mother Nature from our fellow humans who don’t respect her as we do. But they’re still Chinese. They’re an ancient culture. Nearly as ancient as us. There is no way that Mao surgically removed the Chinese respect for nature. There has to be a good bit left, behind all that air pollutiona and rare earth mining effluent. These Americans tell them to splice this to that, and that to this, and make the gene do this so that it will enter that better than this. Like a game of genetic Minecraft … like the wet dream of a some demented fifth grader who has never had to worry if someone loved him.

The reality is that we need someone to refocus the NIH. This isn’t it. Deep apologies Fauci, but even if they find that bat that boned that pangolin tomorrow, shit is still fucked up. This isn’t medicine. It’s not humanitarianism. It’s not even really research, because it kills too many of the researchers. It’s a sign of an NIH that may have lost its direction a bit. We got so desperate to find the next big thing that we forgot to look at the pile of dogshit in the center of the room … diabetes, asthma, depression, suicide, lungs that collapse under the weight of 4,000 parts per million particulate in the regime above the Kelvin barrier that currently kills some five million people a year. If NIH sees the need to spend tax dollars on mice that have been granted humanized DNA, then they can go play their weird ass Frankenstein games after children stop dying of lungs clogged with infection, soot and vape. After they figure out a way to work with the EPA and both DOEs, DOI, FHA, HUD, and the rest, to put those salaries to the public good, in ways that assume every American has equal value, and that value is equal to every person in the world, even the child of a hotel worker in Haiti. If we have the money to build robotic flying attack planes, then we have the money to apply equity to all lives on the planet.

It’s time to take away the toys. They fucked up, they killed 3.5 milllion people, and the way things are going in India, and may soon go in the Southern Hemisphere, we might hit a 4 million. We have other tools to fight these diseases, we don’t need to use genetically-modied vectors. We have nutrition. We have sanitation, we have water chlorination, and we have feedback mechanisms in our hospitals. We don’t need gain of function because there is nothing on the horizon that is worse than what we have staring us in the face. Every years, some 11 million people die around the world due to nothing more complicated than our refusal to create equity with their lives and invest in their futures with clean air, clean water and clean soils.

But gain of function was supposed to be the thing that prevented rich people from dying. Cause we sure as fuck didn’t care about poor people dying. Gain of function was to protect the lives of the well-to-do people and then look what happened? An equal-opportunity virus. Rich, poor, it didn’t give a shit. So now, the rich people will have to accept that their lives are demonstrably worth the same as their employees, and their employees’ children in Guatemala. It took 3.5 million lives for us to learn this lesson. If we would have protected the lives of the poor as much as we protected the lives our family out in the Hamptons, maybe Aunt Tilly would still be on this side of the grass.

But none of that matters too much right now sisters and bothers. Because Mannana? Mannana Sol …