
African Lunchbox

Editor’s note, this interview was transcribed from the afore-mentioned Olympus Note Corder DP-311. The recorder was hidden inside of an African Lunchbox by GhanaMats. Therefore, the sound quality is sometimes noisy, when the Achacha reeds in the African Lunchbox rustle against the cloth-wrapped recorder. When we can’t reliably affirm the words use, we included one dot per 2 second interval. We made no attempt to discern different voices, we simply transcribed the words as discerned.

………….. It’s to the left, next to the Buffet Table. … If there is enough time, that’s the plan. Try the coffee though, it’s made in a percolator, so delicious, it tastes like the coffee that they had after the Yom Kippur service when I was a kid, and the only Stella D Oro cookies that were left were the ones without sprinkles or jelly. There was a fairly strict cookie order back then, it was a reverse-age selection. The old folks ate the ones that were nearly like bread, the teenagers ate the ones with the sprinkles and the children and mental incompetents ate the jelly cookies.

We plan to have the guests come through that door for the coffee and cookies, we have about half an hour for them to discuss over coffee and then I’ll announce that the Senator plans to give a quick intro to the plan. He’ll need about ten minutes for the intro, we’ll bring on the Principal Investigator for thirty minutes, and then I’ll announce that our next speaker was unexpectedly sent back to D.C., so I’ll just say something like “let’s break early, I opened the bar, and I’ve covered all the tips for all you cheap bastards, so I fully expect and demand that you drain our bar of alcohol and non-alcohol, but please leave some of those Japanese Seaweed crackers for me. I love those.” I’ll say that, and then we’ll have to pay the kitchen staff double, because I just moved up their schedule by an hour. But we need more time to socialize and drink. I think they get the gist of what we need them to do here, no point in delaying their drunken orgy much longer.

We good?

Good. Now, we have how many internals? . . . Six. Fuck me dead, Alex, sugar, I love you, I want to put a baby inside of you, I want you to have every bit of the life you want, but if you expect me to put out for you with my gorgeous manly body every night, you can’t load me up like this. I need to save my intellect and cunning to bring you to the apex of human existence when we’re done with this fucking thing for the night. I can’t rush these, I think I can manage three. Who do you have? . . . Tell Anna that I have to delay her internal. I’ll give her a solid ten minutes on internal the next time you two hang out. Give her my apologies, but please tell her honestly, I know she’s not going to get pissed at me if I trade her five minutes now for ten minutes later. Same with Doug. Tell him I’ll give him ten minutes at the skate park next time we’re out there. Straight ten minutes, cell phones off before the timer clicks. Okay, and Amy. Fuck, I have to do Amy, I owe her an internal from last time. I have to do Rocksteady Eddy and Dr. Redcloud. Shit, so that leaves my internal. I never get my fucking internal. Cut me off, I’m cool. Okay, so that’s Amy, Eddy and Redcloud. Thirty second cooldown, let’s get this shit done, gorgeous. Go …………….. Okay. Pull ’em in, pull ’em in. … This table, that asshole Rick has a tape recorder hidden over here somewhere, he’s going to blackmail me into giving him a 2002 Hyundai Accent. We’ll do it here, pull ’em in.

Dr. Redcloud. Good to see you again. Business okay? Family okay? Tribe okay? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes? I don’t know if that’s the answer you want or not, but our measurements and tests suggest that the technology is fully feasibly and shovel ready in two years minimum. I am about 90% confident in the basic technology and 50% confident in the team. If necessary, we can step in at the end of Year One. Will you need help from this office for your project? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Very well, thank you. If that situation changes, please shoot me a text message. We have some resources here, but your willingness to handle the whole thing helps us accelerate our other work. . . . .

Eddy, Rocksteady, Rocksteady Eddy. What’s up dude? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . We’re leaning toward surface rejection rather than deep well injection. . . . . . . . . . . . We considered it, but we can’t inject on site unless it’s fully closed loop. And when we use surface injection, we get the extra filtration as the water moves back down to the aquifer. The amounts we’re looking at per wellhead is about twenty thousand gallons per day, we would need four five thousand gallon tankers per wellhead. That’s going to be a strain on the tourism resources. . . . .Got a pen? . . . Solution goes into the resource, it leaches, we pull up the produced water. Rick is secretly recording this by the way, punch him in the balls for me if you see him at the bar, would you? . . . It’s his shenanigans, he’s an asshole, ignore the fucker. Please don’t punch him in the balls, I was just joking. Knowing him he would probably like it anyway. . . . Yes, I think we’re at about thirty seconds left, we’ll push through. We pull up the produced water, filter, decrease the entropy with reverse card-shuffling techniques, whatever is left combines with the first stage filteration, then goes into adsorption, then we use fairly conventional reverse osmosis and forward osmosis, and then surface reject. As long as it matches or improves the water that the rancher or farmer gets from his untreated irrigation sources, we’re good for surface release. And of course, the most important bit, the reverse card shuffle output is solar dried, then shipped for refining. . . They are Clean and low-waste, but I don’t know their technique, not my wheelhouse. . . . Will you need help from this office for your project? . . . If that situation changes, please shoot me a text.

Amy. Good to see you again. Business okay? Family okay? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Likely. the current investment with existing technology is a forty year payback. We expect significant pushback from the industry. Shareholder activism is critically needed here. . . . . . . We have identified no alternatives. We have identified one fallback in the event of a failure of the P.I. or the base technology. The fallback will reduce water pollution emissions by forty percent over existing technologies, we consider that a failure over the existing technology of ninety-nine-point-four-percent reduction over existing technologies, essentially negligible or background for most contaminants. Will you need help from this office for your project? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Very well, thank you. If that situation changes, please shoot me a text message. We have some resources here, but your willingness to handle the whole thing helps us accelerate our other work. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tell her I make an excellent crepe . . . . . . . . . . It’s mostly healed . . . . The pain was considerable, but I managed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I’m not sure when they’re going to take them down, it makes the downtown area look like a circus. And most of the time they’re empty anyway, except for a few hours at dinner. . . . . Sure, but now it’s open season on the neighborhood, there isn’t enough parking down here which is fine, but when they favor the restaurants over the other businesses, I just think that isn’t good business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . It wasn’t just Roma tomatoes, it was Romas with a big chunk of oil cured sundried tomatoes. . . . . . If they have one, please, the ones with the fresh mozarella and the basil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (editor’s note, end of recording.)


Impaction Theory

The last brief that I filed contained two words; “target engaged.”

I do what I do because this is my job. The business is compartmentalized. I am only given enough knowledge to do the job to which I have been assigned. When I first got into this business, I spent some unbilled hours in thought; I wondered to what larger effort my job contributed. Those unbilled hours were wasted in the delusion that I was smart enough to understand the larger effort. The reason I was chosen for the work is precisely because I had a sufficiently low intelligence that I would do my assigned jobs with efficacy. I had convinced myself that I was smarter than they thought I actually am.

But it was that I spent time to think about this nonsense, instead of nuzzling my face into your neck … that allowed me to understand that I am in fact as stupid as they assumed. At that point, I saw you again, like Shane said, the “cracks in the ceiling spelled ‘hell’.” Six to twelve isn’t an easy stretch, and for all I knew back then, I was in for the full six at least. You didn’t get me through it, I’m not going to lie to you like some shitty song. I got through it because it wasn’t really all that bad. I was surrounded by criminals like myself, a few of them even did some of the same things that I did. But the system there was built like a factory assembly line. If I did the tasks assigned to me, I would click gradually toward the end. Twelve years became six years, and by the time the Prime Minister got his cleanup fees, six years became eighteen months. One year, a man barely has time to plan his next move, but eighteen months, it was sufficient. United Crushing behind me, Employee Equity in front of me, I could have done three and come out happy.

Yes, I thought of you. I thought mostly of your breasts, of the shape of your arms, the way you looked at your son, the way you pretended not to love your husband. All the shit you and I fucked up, huh? The lives we exploded, all that pain we manufactured just for the hell of it. We took a space that was filled with happiness and we filled it with misery. It’s what we do, I guess, one of the perks of the job.

By the way, I was mentioned in the Gravity Light Collective project that MikeW did with Whammy Deck. Please have a look, he’s trying to get support for his clean rare earth element thing with — supposedly — my original designs for Whammy Deck. I haven’t actually looked at them yet, but if he fucks it up, that’s on him, I have nothing to do with that part. Here’s the link for the project:


The Outdoor Shrine to Edible Consumerism

“If you look closely, between the outdoor seating for those two bistros, you can see the building that used to contain the old Federal Territory administration. And if you look between that bar with the awning and the outdoor seating, and that restaurant, you can see where a small group of miners and their families who survived the Ludlow Massacre, came down to Golden to protest for better safety conditions for all Colorado mine workers. And if you look down that street, in the storefront behind that outdoor seating, where the restaurant is now, you can see where the strikebreakers and the Colorado National Guard organized. And finally, this is something of a more personal note, I’m going to briefly stop the bus at the top of that hill. If you look down the street, and if you mentally erase all the seating enclosures, you can get a view of what this town was like when my great-granddaddy came up from Denver to buy the cheaper beer from Coors, back when it was still a union brewery. I’m told that the beer from Coors was enjoyed by his patrons just as much as the more expensive beer from Tivoli. But the greater distance of the Coors brewery to his bar, versus the Tivoli brewery that was just down the street, made his trips to Coors more sporadic. It was at least a couple decades from the time that Tivoli closed, to the time that Coors broke up the union. If you look next to the sushi restaurant, you can see where the members of American G.I. Forum used to meet for outdoor quarter-pitching games to discuss the original boycott of Coors.”